Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle fibres which results in the leakage of potentially toxic cellular contents into the extracellular fluid and the circulation. One of the key compounds is myoglobin.
This can result in:
e.g. swollen, painful muscles
Urinary myoglobin results in a reddish-brown discoloration of urine. Normal coloured urine does not exclude rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria may be absent in up to 18% of patients.
Myoglobinuria can be inferred by a positive result on a dipstick test (test for haem) and the absence of red cells on microscopy.
Laboratory measurement of myoglobin can be performed.
· Creatinine Kinase (CK)
Release of large quantities of CK (>200 u/L), aspartate transaminase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are seen. The degree of elevation is proportional to the injury.
· Renal impairment
· Metabolic acidosis
Markers of severe rhabdomyolysis
Recommended Management
Level III & IV evidence only.
No human randomised controlled trials performed.
Holt SG, Moore KP. Pathogenesis & treatment of renal dysfunction in rhabdomyolysis. ICM 27:803-811, 2001
Vanholder R, Sever MS. Rhabdomyolysis. J Am Soc Neph 11:1553-1561,2000
Shimazu T, Yoshioka T. Fluid resuscitation and systemic complications in crush syndrome: 14 hanshin-awaji earthquake patients. J Trauma 42(4): 641-646, 1997
Green G. A fatal case of malignant Hyperthermia complicated by generalised compartment syndrome and rhabdomyolysis. Acta Anaseth Scand 47(5): 619-621, 2003
Korantzopoulos P, Papaioannides D. Acute rhabdomyolysis due to prolonged exposure to the cold. Int J Clin Pract 3:243-244, 2003
Morton SE, Mathai M. Influenza A pneumonia with rhabdomyolysis. South Med J 94(1):67-69, 2001
Santos J Jr. Exertional rhabdomyolysis. JAAPA 12(7):46-49,53-55, 1999
Szewczyk D, Ovadia P. Pressure-induced rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure. J Trauma. 44(2):383-348, 1998
Trimarchi H, Gonzalez J. Hyponatraemia-associated rhabdomyolysis. Nephron 82(3):274-277, 1999
Management of Severe Rhabdomyolysis
Treatment guidelines
1. Patient must be managed in a critical care environment
2. Early fluid resuscitation
Aggressive infusion of intravenous fluid (crystalloid or colloid) according to clinical and laboratory parameters.
Central venous pressure monitoring is recommended.
Avoid potassium-containing fluids if K+ >4.0 mmol/L
Aim for urine output > 1 ml/kg/hr
3. Urinary alkalinisation
Increases the solubility of myoglobin within renal tubules and can improve myoglobin washout.
Use 8.4% sodium bicarbonate infusion at a rate of 0-50 mls/hr via central venous catheter (use 2.74% if peripherally administered)
Aim to keep plasma pH between 7.4 – 7.45 AND/OR urinary pH > 6.5
4. Mannitol
Controversial – as an osmotic diuretic it may:
o Increase urinary flow
o Reduce elevated compartment pressures due to muscle swelling
o Scavenge free-radicals
Can precipitate acute volume overload in patients in renal failure.
Give 100mls 20% mannitol over 20 minutes if:
· Urine output < 1 ml/kg
· Evidence of compartment syndrome (see below)
5. Renal replacement therapy
Use if:
· Established renal failure
· Persistent acidosis or hyperkalaemia
6. Complications of rhabdomyolysis
· Metabolic disturbance
Rhabdomyolysis accompanied by influx of Ca2+ and Na+ into muscle and efflux of K+, phosphate and other ions.
Hypocalcaemia, hyperkalaemia, hyperphosphataemia and hyperuricaemia occur. Hypercalcaemia can occur later as Ca2+ is released from recovering muscles.
· Disseminated intravascular coagulation
· Compartment syndrome
Due to muscle cell oedema. High intra-compartmental pressures (> 40 mmHg) provoke necrosis.
Consider if muscle swelling and/or increasing pain.
Immediate surgical referral is necessary for consideration of fasciotomy.
Frusemide – Acidifies urine worsening myoglobin precipitation
Calcium – Muscular calcification will occur as initial hypocalcaemia is
replaced by hypercalcaemia as recovery occurs.