Teaching and Education

Written: August 2019 Review: August 2020

There are a wide variety of teaching opportunities available within the critical care department.

A formal teaching program for new doctors operates on Wednesdays from 13:30 – 15:30 in the ICU seminar room. Early in your rotation, there will be additional sessions (New to ICU) to make sure you have the necessary training to allow you to be safe and effective. Attendance at this teaching is mandatory and the hours are calculated into your rota. If you are rostered for a day off you will still be expected to attend, if you are working clinically that day, every effort will be made to free you from clinical duties to attend the teaching. If you have booked annual leave or are post-nights you will not be expected to attend. 

The North East Intensive Care Society holds 3 meetings per year around the region for anyone who is interested in a career in intensive care. You will need to apply for study leave to attend these meetings. Please ask Dr Monkhouse or Dr Franke for current contact details for more information about NEICS. 

Informal and bedside teaching is often one of the most valuable educational resources. Please ask questions at any time during ward rounds or your clinical shifts. 

Follow this link to access critical care resources and other useful links.

Educational supervision for DOCTORS

You will be allocated an educational supervisor on arrival on the unit. Please ask if you do not know who this is.

You should make an appointment within the first two weeks. Prior to the meeting, think about areas you would like to improve and projects you would like to explore. Your educational supervisor will discuss and agree an educational contract with you. You will then have a mid-point and end of attachment meeting (with additional meetings if required).

Arranging meetings and completion of paperwork is your own responsibility. 

Mentoring and supervision for NURSES

Under review


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