Research and Audit

Written: August 2019 Review: August 2020

ICNARC (Intensive Care National Audit and Research Council) 

We participate in ICNARC case mix program which is a national ongoing audit looking at patient admissions and outcomes.

A large set of data is collected for each critical care patient that is admitted, this data is analysed with the patient outcome data then compared with other similar units to give us a marker of how well (or not) we are doing.

This can then allow us to improve our service to our patients. It is important that all parts of the admission document are completed to facilitate ICNARC data collection (e.g. height, weight, past medical history).

Results from ICNARC are received quarterly. Martin Johnson is responsible for data collection. His desk is in the resource room. Please ask any of the Consultants or Martin if you wish to know more about ICNARC or see our most recent data. 

To access ICNARC online public reporting click here.


There are usually several audit projects in progress at anytime.

If you wish to carry out an audit project please discuss with your educational supervisor, there may be projects already in place that you could get involved with. Dr Garcia is the Audit lead for critical care.

Please complete a trust audit registration form so that the audit department is aware of all ongoing work. This will enable you to get help from the audit department with notes retrieval, data collection and processing if required. They will also give you a certificate for your portfolio on completion of the audit. 


The unit is heavily involved with national and local research projects. Prof Bonner is the research lead and the research nurse Keith Hugill who can be reached on ext 54271.

You may be involved with managing patients involved in critical care and peri-operative trials. Please ask if you are unsure how to manage any patient who has been recruited into a trial and discuss with your educational supervisor or the Consultants involved if you have an interest in any of the above research projects or want any further information. 

More information about on-going projects can be accessed here



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